Why do I do this?

All of us have a little rocketeer in out heart who sets off a catherine wheel when we’re happy. Writing is intellectually stimulating and there shouldn’t be a reason why you must write besides that. I write because it makes me happy and helps me cope with difficulties.

My passion is for mathematics. I fill my little blog with notes from a very dear little mathematical notebook that I keep. From time to time inspiration strikes me and I immediately jot it down in my notebook. Over the years the notes have grown longer and more serious. I’d like to share some of it with you, reader.

Besides mathematics I love writing stories. I have dozens of secret notebooks which I would never dare show anyone filled with scribblings and stories that I have written one time or the other. But under the assumed name, James Powell, I intend to let you readers peek into my notebooks. Feel free to email me at jamespowell.auth@gmail.com if you have any doubts.